
Peer-reviewed publications

Hager, Theresa, Ines Heck and Johanna Rath (2022): Polanyi and
Schumpeter: Transitional processes via societal spheres. European Journal of History of Economic Thought. DOI: 10.1080/09672567.2022.2131865
ABSTRACT: We examine parallels and differences, intersections and complementarities in the notions of societal transition by Karl Polanyi and Joseph A. Schumpeter. Considering their intellectual heritage, methodology and scope, we propose a three-sphere framework to analyse their theories and study the interdependencies within capitalism. The three spheres essential to both thinkers are the political, the socio-cultural and the economic: the latter dominates the others in capitalist societies. The resulting rationalisation (Schumpeter) and commodification (Polanyi) distort the socio-cultural sphere and transcend towards the political sphere which undermines democracy. Applying our framework, we identify similar transitional mechanisms but derive different implications for society.
Read here

Kreimer, Margareta and Ines Heck (2021, in German): Doch nicht so krank? – Eine feministisch-ökonomische Perspektive auf die Kostenkrankheit der sozialen Dienstleistungen (English: Not so diseased after all? A feminist economics perspective on the cost disease in social services), in: Emunds, Bernhard, Degan, Julian, Habel, Simone & Hagedorn, Jonas (eds.) Freiheit, Gleichheit, Selbstausbeutung. Weimar bei Marburg: Metropolis.
The book is available here (in German)

Other publications

Heck, Ines, Anna Hornykewycz, Jakob Kapeller and Rafael Wildauer (2024, in German): Vermögensverteilung in Österreich: eine Analyse auf Basis des HFCS 2021/22. (English: Wealth distribution in Austria: an analysis based on HFCS 2021/22). Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. AK Wien.
ABSTRACT: The introduction of the Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) by the European Central Bank (ECB) about a decade ago, showed great significance for research on wealth inequality as
the HFCS presented the first, standardized European survey on household wealth. In this report we use data from the fourth wave of the HFCS to provide an in-depth analysis of the Austrian wealth distribution with a special focus on assessing wealth concentration. For doing so, we first discuss potential weaknesses of this dataset, including non-observation and non-response biases, and discuss possible remedies, especially with regard to missing households located in the top segment of the wealth distribution (the so-called ’missing rich’). We address the lack of coverage of the wealthy by supplementing HFCS data with the trend rich list 2021 (Vermeulen 2016) and perform a rank correction in analogy to Wildauer & Kapeller (2022) to adapt the survey data to better account for top wealth holders. Using this adapted dataset, a Pareto type I distribution is estimated and households with wealth over four million euros are replaced by those generated from the estimated Pareto distribution. This adaptation increases the estimated total wealth of Austrian households from 1,191 billion euros to 1,784 billion euros, which implies an increase in average wealth from 293,000 euros to 439,000 euros. The share of the wealthiest percentile in aggregate wealth is 41 per cent after data adaptation (16 per cent in the original data). Using the adapted data, di!erent wealth tax models are analysed, while also considering potential
avoidance e!ects by wealthy households. The results suggest that a general wealth tax in Austria could yield revenues of about 6 to 12 billion Euros, where exact revenues depend on concrete design choices. For very progressive tax models even higher revenues should be expected.
Read here (in German).

Heck, Ines, Thomas Rabensteiner and Ben Tippet (2024): A progressive excess profit tax for the European Union. Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. No. 97.
ABSTRACT: This report proposes a new progressive excess profit tax (PEPT) for the European Union. Our proposal taxes excess profits at an additional 20% rate for ‘base’ excess profits – profits between a rate of return of 10% and 15%; and an additional 40% rate for ‘super’ excess profits – profits above a rate of return of 15%. This PEPT design would raise an additional €126 billion in 2022 on top of existing corporate tax revenues. This is equivalent to roughly 0.8% of the EU’s GDP or about 1.6% of total government expenditure by EU member states. This translates to €280 for every EU citizen. EU member states could levy the PEPT as they have the necessary tools, information and legal authority to collect taxes, with coordination at the European level. Our proposal limits tax avoidance: firms are taxed based on where they generate sales, not where they are legally registered, limiting their ability to shift profits to low-tax jurisdictions to avoid the tax. Our proposal should not reduce investment as firms can still make 10% returns on their assets without facing any extra taxes. Even if global coordination is not possible, we show that a PEPT can be unilaterally implemented by the EU.

Wildauer, Rafael, Ines Heck and Jakob Kapeller (2023): Was Pareto right? Is the distribution of wealth thick-tailed? Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. No. 92.
ABSTRACT: We fit log-normal, exponential, Pareto type I and Pareto type II distributions to US wealth data from 1989 to 2019 and examine the goodness of fit. Unlike earlier literature this paper uses high quality data, covering the entire US population, yielding powerful and unbiased tests. Beyond the 91st percentile the type II distribution consistently provides the best fit to the data and supports the hypothesis of a thick-tailed wealth (and by extension income) distribution. In addition, our results highlight the changing shape of the tail with decreasing concentration up to the 98th percentile and increasing concentration beyond. Our results suggest that practitioners modelling the distribution of wealth in situations where only limited data is available, a type I Pareto distribution might still serve as a valuable bias correction tool but should only be fitted to the top 1% of the population.

Heck, Ines and Cem Oyvat (2023): Productivity, wages and structural change: a two-sector demand-led model. Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. No. 93.
ABSTRACT: We present a Post-Keynesian and Kaleckian two-sector productivity model with short- and medium-run specifications. The model examines the effect of wages on aggregate output, labour productivity and structural change. In our model, the sectors produce different goods with different levels of labour productivity. In the short run, higher wages have a different effect on demand in different sectors, which would influence the output and productivity in these sectors differently and lead to a structural change via spending patterns. In the medium-run specification, the focus shifts to the growth rates of output and productivity. Each sector has a productivity regime and a demand regime, which can be either profit-led or wage-led. Different combinations of regimes lead to different scenarios for productivity growth.

Heck, Ines, Jakob Kapeller and Rafael Wildauer (2021, in German): Vermögenskonzentration in Österreich – Ein Update auf Basis des HFCS 2017 (English: Wealth concentration in Austria – HFCS 2017 update). Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. AK Wien.
ABSTRACT: This report uses the third wave of the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) to analyse the distribution of household wealth in Austria. Special focus is given to the problem of differential nonresponse bias from which the Austrian survey data is most likely suffering. Taking Blanchet et al.’s (2017) and Blanchet et al.’s (2018) critique into account that reliance on type I Pareto distributions to correct the underreporting in the tail due to differential nonresponse relies on the restrictive assumption of scale invariance, this report presents a new approach. We fit a type II Pareto distribution to the data which allows for nonconstant concentration within the tail of the wealth distribution. We overcome the well known problems of fitting type II distributions to the data by adapting Castillo & Hadi’s (1997) elemental percentile method (EPM). Using this approach results in an increase of aggregate private net wealth in Austria from 985 billion to 1,249 billion Euro. Average household net wealth increases from 250,000 to 318,000 Euro and the top 1% share increases from 23 to 39 percent. Next we use the Pareto-tail-amended data to estimate the revenue potential of four different periodic net wealth tax designs, taking tax evasion into account. Linear model I yields revenues of 5 billion Euro (assuming no evasion), mildly progressive model II yields 8.8 billion Euro (including evasion effects) and progressive model III yields 13.1 billion Euros (assuming strong evasion effects). Model IV is inspired by Piketty (2013) and introduces a maximum wealth level at 1,000 times average wealth (i.e. 318 million Euro). We estimate the revenue potential of model IV to be 91.5 billion Euro in the first year, even when taking strong evasion reactions into account. Models I and II would only be able to slow down increases in wealth inequality, while model III might have the potential to stabilize current levels of inequality and model IV would have the potential to strongly reduce current levels of inequality.
Read here (in German). A blog post based on the study can be found here.

Bauer, Susanne and Ines Heck (in German): Chapter Branchenanalyse, in: Abteilung Marktforschung der AK Steiermark (2018). Paketdienste und die letzte Meile des Paketes auf dem Weg zum Verbraucher. Eine Analyse der Arbeitswelt, der Branchenstruktur und die Paketzustellung im Test (English: Parcels and their last mile. Analysis of work environment, industry and parcel delivery tests), pp. 16-58. Graz, Austria.

Ongoing projects

with Thomas Rabensteiner and Ben Tippet: The profits-prices spiral: measures to avoid inflation. Project for FEPS. First findings can be found here.